Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Charting our learning on a Continuum

To begin our lesson, the teachers drew a long line across the front board. Each student got a sticky note to write on.  We talked about riding a bicycle.  The children thought about their skill level on bike riding and wrote a few words explaining how comfortable they are with bicycle riding.  

Students placed their sticky notes on the continuum.  Notes on the left side stated that the children were not comfortable on a bike or could not ride a bike.  Students that were very comfortable riding a bike placed their note in the middle or toward the right side.  Students on the extreme right side noted some tricks that they could do on a bike.  
Less comfortable on a bike.
Middle of the road (so to speak).

The real learning in this lesson took place during our discussion.  The teachers asked the children if it was possible to move up and down on the continuum.  How would the children on the left side move to the middle?  Who could they talk to?  What could they do?  We applied the continuum to other situations... surfing, reading, writing, etc.  Are you always on the left side? Middle? Right side?  When you find yourself in a situation that you want to improve, how can you go about it?  


Melanie Holtsman said...

So proud of your and your Munchkins! You are SO sharing at Reading Council tomorrow!

Marcie said...

Great idea! Is this used to introduce the concept of a continuum?

Great learning taking place! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful lesson that is transferable to so many subjects and areas of life!