Monday, October 19, 2009

A Bad Case of Stripes

We read a book called A Bad Case of Stipes by David Shannon. Then we all brought in a small pumpkin. Last Wednesday we painted our pumpkins in stripes to match Camilla, the main character in the book. In the afternoon we glued hair, a bow, and eyes on our pumpkins and then drew a nose and mouth 0n with a Sharpie marker. Just for fun we germinated lima bean seeds and put them in soil. Our plants are starting to grow! This is important because Camilla became striped in the story when she pretended that she didn't like to eat lima beans when, of course, she loved them! Because she wasn't being true to herself, she broke out in all sorts of crazy things - the stripes were just the beginning.


Melanie Holtsman said...

Dear Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Metzger's class,
I love your pumpkins! Your group was one of the first I saw in the lobby. They definitely caught my eye! What a fun book to use for your literary pumpkin. One of my favorites!

lee said...

do not get stripes!!!! brandon p.