Friday, January 9, 2009

Just in time for the Chinese New Year...

As our unit on China draws to a close, the children have the opportunity to earn some Social Studies extra credit. Our students were encouraged to make a 4 minute presentation to their classmates about the Chinese culture. Many kids wore traditional Chinese dress, others brought delicious food to share, we had a PowerPoint presentation, a timeline of the many dynasties and their contributions, a diorama, and much more. It was a learning experience for all of us!
By Mrs. Metzger


Anonymous said...

The China party was great! The presentations were awesome! The food was delicious! It was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

the Chinese food was great!all the presentations were wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I like the Chinese pictures.
PS Heather is going to email my picture to Mrs.Metzger or Mrs.Morris.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing in the wonderfull food!!!
