Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Visit from Lester Laminack

Lester Laminack, the famous author, visited Chets Creek yesterday.  He traveled all the way from North Carolina to talk with our teachers and students.  The second graders were entertained as he told us all about the inspiration for many of his books. He also carries with him a small notebook and pen in his pocket.  He refers to this tiny notepad as a "spy book" where he writes down ideas for stories.  He finds ideas everywhere... Walmart, the airport, a kindergarten classroom, etc. Our second graders are very interested in getting their own "spy books" to record their story ideas too!
Lester Laminack told us about the time in his life when he was a fifth grade teacher.  Did you know he was known for pulling teeth?  He was inspired to write the book Trevor's Wiggly Wobbly Tooth by real life experiences.  
When he was 9 years old he rode his bike to his Grandmother's house every Saturday.  He helped her by mowing the lawn. Years later, as an adult, he was walking in to a grocery store when the sweet smell of cookies sparked a memory of being nine and making teacakes with his mammaw on Saturdays.  Bingo - the inspiration for another wonderful book! 
 Our class has enjoyed reading other books by Mr. Laminack: Three Hens and  a Peacock, Jake's 100th Day of School and Snow Day!

 We'll continue to think about Lester Laminack's visit and his books when we write our own stories.


Melanie Holtsman said...

Even though I was there I loved reading this! What an amazing experience to hear from a real author telling the students about things they are really doing as writers! Great pics!

dayle timmons said...

Loved reading what Lester said to 2nd graders because it was different than what he said to K-1! He really has a million stories - for every age group!

Lourdes said...

He not only has a story for any and every age group, he tells it in such an engaging way!